Will you sow a seed of $3 or more today into this mission to Help People Help Themselves? Please make WTQT one of the organizations you support at year end. Thank you for your donation which is tax deductable.
Non-stop Gospel Music Television for Monroe and West Monroe.
Helping people to help themselves: That's what we've been doing for over 15 years since we started broadcasting in 1996. We proudly serve you as The People's Station. We're here to give you a voice - and bring you closer to God.
We are proud to announce the merger between Thought Network Broacasting and Our Tv Group. Our Tv will be assistanting to managing Thought Network and to launch new and exciting programing on Thought Network and to it's sub stations in our markets. Look out for Thought's new fall line up of shows, movies, and Saturday morning cartoons.
Tune in right now to the best television Monroe has to offer: television with purpose. We are 97.5 FM- KTJZ Tallulah.